As an executive you are faced with multiple challenges. Might it be your start in a new company, an elevated role or a highly important and confidential project that you are trusted to lead. Expectations are high - from your team, from your business partners, from your board and let’s not forget … from yourself.

I can help you find your own answers to those challenges, on your way to success. I have been where you are. For 30+ years I led global teams as an executive in a Fortune 500 company, as well as in one of the few German unicorns. I lived and worked in Germany, the US and India, so we can discuss intercultural issues as much as challenges to your family life.

As your executive coach, I am committed to sharing my experience and empower you to find your personal answers. We will do this in English or German, in a completely confidential 1:1 dialogue, custom made for your needs. We will define focus areas, duration and frequency of our conversations during a first get-to-know each other session.

You will accelerate your leadership impact, through greater self-awareness, presence and stronger communication.